A Ling-Temco-Vought, Inc. Publication

March 1, 1963

      Considering the prices we pay for (hint's these days, the way a waitress looks if you leave less than a 10-cent tip, the nostalgic mention of a five-cent cigar and the high finance you encounter when you look at either a new or a used ear, it came as sort of a shock when we read the following item in the Air Force News Service:
      "The national space program of the United States now costs each of the country's inhabitants about 40 cents a week."
      Usually, when space programsare mentioned, (here is talk of millions, billions and trillions, whatever amount that might be. Those terms are a little hard to comprehend. But 40 cents a week we can understand. It seems like a somewhat piddling amount of money, and somehow or other, if we could do twice as much in space, we'd be willing to go along with medical authorities andcut out a couple of packs of cigarettes each week. Or maybe we'd renege on the smoking and forget to tip the waitress.
                                - 0 -
Barbara Sanford, secretary to George Scott. LTV director of industrial relations, doesn't sing along with Mitch, she swings along with the Powerhouse Four, which has a new Warner Brothers album of banjo music entitled "The Good Life." Reason is that Barbara's husband, Ralph, is lead singer and one of the banjoist.
                                - 0 -
Funny thing happened to us the other day at the office. An acquaintance called to say he had put us on a committee to plan a St. Patrick's Day program because "obviously, with that name, you're about as Irish as they get."
      Happens all the time. The only-trouble is that the name isn't connected with County Cork at all. It's a corruption of a Viking name, out of Norway via the Isle of Man. But we hasten to add that we're only half Manx and the other half is Irish (or Scotch-Irish), as me mither would be quick to point out.
      But we're going to quit trying to explain this and be a part-time professional Texan (when we're out of state), a part-time professional Irishman, and a full-time American.
      We enjoy the fervor with which the Irish Americans. German Americans, Latin Americans, Italian Americans, etc.. celebrate their holidays, and wish Americans as a group celebrated national holidays likewise. Often we seem to think of the Fourth of July or some other national event as "a day off work."
      Americans are from everywhere. Opening the LTV telephone book at random, our eye fell on this series of names: Shumaker, Shupe. Siar. Sibila, Siedell, Sifferlen, Sikes, Silverman. Simmons, Simms, Simon, Simone, Simonetti, Simpkins, Simpson. Another sampling is: Kanazawa, Keel, Keesy, Keiffer, Kellogg and Kelly. And DeBond, Delfeld. Delgado and Dennis.
      Every one of them is an  American.
                              - 0 -
      The Lunchroom Philosopher: "I've checked the weight-height scales. I don't weigh too much — I'm just two or three inches too .short."



‘HOT’ Record
April 19, 1963



      Vought fire inspector Jack Gray has a record he hopes will catch fire with country music fans.
       Gray sings his own compositions, "Heart of Gold" and
"I Left the One Who Loved Me," on theRomeo-labeled platter.
      The record's been out
a month.Romeo isdistributing it to country music disc jockeys nationally. Much to Gray's pleasure, several local stations are giving the record a whirl.
      It's his first recording, but Gray has been performing in area shows for
years. He used to sing and play his guitar on Channel ll's "Dude Ranch" show before it left the air. Currently he performs in such shows asthe Red River Roundup in Bonham and the Riley Springs Jamboree in Sulphur Springs.
      And if his songs catch fire with the fans, you can bet that's one fire he'll try to fan.

Junior Achievers Visit
April 19, 1963


When 17 Junior Achievement members visited the plant recently, theygot a good look at industrial activity in general and new products in particular, like the Gama Goat (above), forerunner of the XM561 vehicle. The youngsters represent CUBORCO, an LTV-sponsored JA company specializing in producing kitchen cutting boards. The students sold many of their cutting boards at the recent Dallas Industrial Trade Fair.

National Merit Scholarships
May 3, 1963


Parents of four winners in National Merit Scholarship competition visited the LTV plant recently and three of the students were congratulated by Chief Executive Officer James J. Ling. Left to right are: Dell V. Walker, whose son Jerry is in California; Alan D. Anderson with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Anderson; Geoffrey Bowman with Dr. and Mrs. Russel O. Bowman; N, Andrew Hurley with Mr. and Mrs. Ned Hurley, and Ling.

National  Merit  Scholarships  Won 
By  Sons  of Five 
LTV  Employees

      Five sons of LTV employees have ' won coveted  four-year scholarships under the National Merit Scholarship program.
      They are among the record number of more than 1,400 Merit Scholars bound for college this fall. LTV is one of 175 sponsors of the program administered by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), an independent nonprofit organization.
      LTV  sponsors four scholarships in theprogram. These were won through  competitive examinations by:
      Alan D. Anderson, son of Donald W. Anderson, lead flight test engineer at Vought Aeronautics.
      N. Andrew Hurlev, son of Jennie Hurley, key punch operator, LTV Data Processing, Arlington.

     Richard W. Spehn, son of William H. Spehn, machine shop foreman, Altec Lansing, Anaheim, Calif      Jerry D. Walker, son of Dell V. Walker, electronics technician, Temco Electronics, Arlington.
      A National Merit scholarship sponsored by NMSC rather than LTV went to Geoffrey A. Bowman, son of Dr. R. O. Bowman, senior scientist LTV Research center Grand Prairie.
      Young Anderson intends to major in physics at the University of Iowa and pursue a career in research physics. A student at Grand Prairie High School, he has served as president of the Science
Club, the Math Club and a Junior Achievement company. He is a member of the National Honor Society and the Junior Classical League

      Hurley, a Kimball High School National Honor Society, business .manager of the school annual, representative to Boy's State, editor ofthe Future Scientists of America magazine student in Dallas, plans to major in mathematics at Rice University and pursue a career in statistical mathematics. He has been treasurer of the “Vat,” and vice president of the Latin Club.
      Young Spehn intends to major in physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A student at Servite High School in Anaheim, he is a member of the National Honor Society, the Science Seminar, the Speech and Debate Club, and of the staff of the school paper.
      Another Californian, Walker plans to major in electrical engineering at the University of California and pursue a career in electronic research. A student at Folsom High School in Rancho Cordova, Walker is a member of the National Honor Society andhas served inthe Student Council. He has been drum major and president of the school band.
      Young Bowman intends to major in physics and mathematics at Rice University and pursue a career in pure or applied research. At Dallas' Thomas Jefferson High School he has been a member of the National Honor Society, the Latin Club, and the Math Club. Bowman also served as president of the Junior Red Cross and the Chess Club.

In Anaheim, Calif., A. A. Ward, left, president of Altec Lansing, presents Richard Spehn with an LTV National Merit Scholarship certificate. At right is Richard's father, William Spehn, Altec Lansing machine shop foreman. Richard will attend Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Experts On Weight
May 17, 1963


Company Engineers Receive Top Honors

      The new national president and executive vice president of the Society of Aeronautical Weight Engineers are both from LTV.
      Installed this month during the 22nd national conference of the SAWE in St. Louis were Glen Williams, president, a senior engineer in the Aeronautics Division's weight control group, and John T.Lancaster, executive vice president,project weight engineer on the Lance missile system.
      The two were elected during a national mail ballot of the more than 1,000 members in April. Both had held offices in the Texas chap­ter of the Society of Aeronautical Weight Engineers and had served on committees for the national organization.
      The national conference will be held in Dallas this coming year, and G. R. Holzmeier, project weight engineer, advanced systems, Aero­nautics Division, is planning chair­man for the 1964 conference. In addition to Williams and Lancaster, John A. Knagg, Temco Aerosys-tems, Garland; J.J. Pugliese, advanced systems, Aeronautics, and W. A. Van Dyke Jr., Temco Aero-systems, Greenville, attended the St. Louis conference. Pugliese pre­sented a technical paper on "Gross Weight Estimates of an Attack Air­plane by Generalized Graphical Solutions," and Van Dyke pre­sented a paper entitled 'Weight and Balance Control of Electronic Airborne Systems."
      The newly-elected president, Wil­liams, was graduated from East Texas State College in 1951, received his master's degree in mathematics at North Texas State College, and is working toward hisdoctorate at Texas Christian Uni­versity. He also has served as a mathematics instructor at Arlington State College and has been with the company for 12 years. A native of Greenville, he now lives in Arlington (1504 Westcrest).


When three LTV weight engineers win international honors, it's natural to get them together for a "hold it, smile, say cheese" picture — even if their weight know-how is varied. Glen Williams, right, and John Lancaster, left, are the newly-elected president and executive vice president, respectively, of the Society of Aeronautical Weight Engineers, an international organization with more than 1,000 members. White they were being installed at SAWE's recent conference in St. Louis, Sid Henry Jr., center, won the first-place gold medal at the Pan American Games in weight-lifting, heavyweight class. Henry's three-test lift totaled 1,024 pounds — well above the second-place man's 975. Williams and Lancaster are Aeronautics Division engineers, and Henry is an engineer in plant layout at the Grand Prairie facility. In this photo, Henry is holding a mere 350 pounds of SAWE officialdom, but he obligingly hoisted them for six different poses — more than a one-ton workout.

     Lancaster, a native of Nashville, Tenn., received his bachelor's degree in aeronautical engineering from Purdue University in 1949 and has been with the company sincethat year. He makes his home in Garland (at 1337 Saturn Springs)
.      The SAWE was organized toemphasize recognition of weight control as a specialized branch of aeronauticalengineering, to serve as a methodof exchanging tech­nical information, to accelerate weight reduction efforts in pur­chased components, and to promote better understanding among weight control engineers. In the last few years, the society has grown out of the airplane field to embrace all areas of weight engineering, includ­ing space,

marine and land vehicles, and electronics .Sid Henry Jr., a plant layoutengineer at Chance Vought, is quitea weight-liftin' man.       Although he played freshman football at SMU, he soon turned to weight-lifting and has gained state, national and international championships in that field. He toured Europe, including- Rus«ra, to compete for the United States andat the recent Pan American Games, he won the first-place gold medal for the U.S.in the heavyweight division. He pressed 330 pounds, snatched 303 and cleanedand jerked 391 for a three-test total lift of 1,024. Trinidad's lifter was sec­ond with 975 pounds.
      Despitehis Pan Am victory, Henry is far from satisfied with his total. He's in training nowfor the next Olympic Games.

Six Flags
May 17, 1963


ABOVE - - LTV employees were welcomed with a sign at the entrance to the parking lot May 4-5. Inside, it was a matter of where to go with so many things to do and see, but the new Sky Hook stood out like a sore thumb and most people tried it. But, shown at far right, the record crowd of some 23,000 people made lines long. The normal weekend crowd was made larger by the fact that most LTV families were scheduled to go a week earlier, but were "rained put." BELOW- -At left, Bob Forkner of the  

Aeronautics template shop takes daughter Pattie for a ride on the merry-go-round horses; Rickey and Randy Malone, grandsons of M. A. Goad, Aeronautics experimental machine shop, pose with a Six Flags pet; Bill Knowles of Temco Electronics had little trouble finding the women in the family—his wife and daughters, Elizabeth, Robin and Mary Lou wore matching print dresses. And at far right, hungry children prove that eating is an essential part of an outing.

LTV’s the Name
May 14, 1965

LTV s The Name?
That All Depends
On Where You Are

     LTV also may be Ling T"ien K’o Bo, which with Yu Hisser Kung Ssu, translates in the Mandarin Chinese as "Respected heaven capable wave company.”
     Attorneys are drawing up papers to enable LTV to do business on the island of Tai- wan in connection with possible programs, and they have found that it will be necessary for the company to have a Chinese trademark registration, which will need to be in Chinese symbols.
     Research into the Chinese, which, like English, has several meanings for different symbols, or words, depending on the other symbols they are associated with, led to the suggestion that the eight symbols, which would be pronounced in English as Ling Tienco Bo Yo Hsien Gung Ssu (if you can pronounce that in English) be used. The matter is now under consideration.

Astronauts Trained on LTV Simulator
June 11, 1965


Astronauts Trained on LTV Simulator

     Astronauts James McDivitt and Edward White, crew on the GT-4 Gemini spacecraft flight, performed an important part of their prelaunch training in a Manned Aero space Flight Simulator at LTV Aerospace Corporation in Dallas.
     The LTV device is directed by a complex of computers and maneuvers to simulate many phases of many types of space missions-all while remaining safely on earth.
     In this case, the astronauts used the simulator to train for taking the proper emergency actions should the Gemini vehicle malfunction during launch and they had to abort the mission.
 Using the same type instruments, warning devices and controls as those in the actual Gemini vehicle, each astronaut made scores of simulated

launches requiring a broad range of pilot action-from immediate abort on the launch pad to abort anytime before second stage burnout, from reporting an instrument failure to taking remedial action and continuing the flight.
     In addition to McDivitt and White, eight other astronauts attended the Gemini abort training program conducted by

LTV Astronautics in  conjunction with NASA’s Manned pacecraft Center during the past month. They are Frank Borman and James Lovell, GT-4 backup crew Gordon Cooper and Charles Conrad, flight crew of the forthcoming GT-5 launch; Elliott See (of Dallas) and Neil Armstrong, GT-5 backup crew, and Astronauts Eugene Cernan and C. C. Williams.

The GT-4 Gemini crew with the LTV simulator - McDivitt (left) and White

Outstanding Grads
June 11, 1965


Johnson, Reddcn
Capture Coveted
Four-Year Awards

  The much-sought National Merit Scholarships sponsored by LTV for sons of employees have been awarded to Richard K. Johnson of Jesuit High School, Dallas, and James P. Redden of Utica, Michigan, High School.
     Young Johnson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Johnson. His father is administrative assistant to the program director, XC-142A V/STOL program, in LTV Vought Aeronautics. Redden is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Redden and his father is supervisor of customer personnel training for LTV Michigan
      To obtain the four-year scholarships, the two scored high in the National Merit tests given when they were juniors, then made top grades in following tests. In addition to test scores, the national selection committee considers the applicant’s high school grades, accomplishments outside the classroom, extracurricular activities, school endorsement and other data.
      Of the many thousands of youngsters who took the tests at more than 17,000 high schools, only 14,000 were named semi-finalists, and of these, 1,900 were awarded the scholarships. The scholarships won by Johnson and Redden are financed by LTV.
     Young Johnson (who also won a co-op technical training scholarship at LTV) plans to attend Purdue University and will major in mechanical engineering.
     Young Redden, who like Johnson was active in high school leadership, plans to attend the University of Michigan and will major in mathematics.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Johnson, left with Richard, winner of an LTV National
Merit Scholarship, and R. C. Blaylock, LTV vice president-technical.

James Redden recives his Merit scholarship certificate, and congratulations,
from W. R. Kiefer, vice president and general manager, LTV Michigan.

Co-op Program, Engineering School
Awards Granted to Nineteen Youths

Nineteen high school graduates , living within a 100-mile radius of LTV’s Dallas facilities have been awarded scholarships to attend engineering schools for the coming year.
       A scholarship awarded by LTV Electrosystems to an outstanding graduate of Greenville High School went to Larry Odneal, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Odneal, Jr. The  father is a general foreman at the Greenville facility. Larry will attend Texas A&M and will major in aeronautical engineering.
      Three $1,000 scholarships which finance a student’s first year in college went to Michael H. Brophy 'A' of Dallas Jesuit; Larry W. Bellows of Dallas South Oak Cliff, and James B. Clarks of Arlington High. Brophy plans to major in physics at the University of Texas, Bellows  in math at Brown, and Clarke in physics at Arlington State. They will be given first priority for entrance into the "co-op" program at the LTV Aerospace facilities in Grand Prairie next year provided they successfully complete their first year’s college work.
      The other 15 scholarships are for co-operative programs

LTV Electrosystems Vice President
D. L. Hearn presents plaque to
scholarship winner Larry Odneal

in which the student attends school for six months, then works in one of the company’s plants for six months, on a salary, receiving his B.S. degree in engineering or allied science in five years.
      The co-op scholarship winners and their schools are: Thomas D. Blount, James S. Goings and Wayland J. Wilder of Dallas Sunset; Roger L. Conner, Dallas W. W. Samuel]; Richard K. Johnson, Dalas Jesuit; Daniel C. Davis, Ft. Worth Paschal; Jack S. Haston, Ft. Worth Castleberry; Gary A. Ring, Ft. Worth Brewer; Hoze-a D. Chambers, Brownsboro; Harry D. Edmiston, Lancaster; John C. Nowell, Waco; Robert G. Patterson, Irving; :Thomas C. Shepard, Arlington; James P. Ward, Van Alstyne, and Raymond West, Cleburne.

Winners of the $1,000 LTV Engineering Scholarships ared, left to right
Larry Bellows, Michael Brophy and James Clarke.

Recipients of the LTV Technical Co-Op scholarships are (top row, left to
right) Hozea Chambers, Harry Edminston, James Goings, Richard Johnson,
Weyland Wilder, Thomas Shepard, James Ward andJohn Nowell, Bottom
row; Delp Blount, Robert Patterson, Daniel Davis, Roymond West, Gary Ring,Jack Haston. One winner, Roger Conner, was not present for the picture.

January 11, 1966

CAROLER - Christmas music at Greenville was not limited to the performers at the variety show. This group in the Requirements and Pans area sang carols after lunching together on the lost day before the holidays. From left to right are Fay Goen, Roger White, W. B. Sikes, W. B. Cox, Fred E Grisak (on harmonica), Jeff Boswell, Peggy Edge, Shirley Mullins, Helen Pairsh, Cathy Norris, Brenda O’Dell, "Rip” Ragle ond Gerry Goen. Employees outside the group were divided among those who couldn’t get into the small room and those who had high praise for its soundproof qualities.

January 11, 1966

A VSTOL CAR? - Dorella Bond, always thinking of some way to help the boss, presented Dr. Walt Hesse, LTV Aerospace vice president and XC-142 program director, with unique VSTOL license plates for Christmas. Dr. Hesse’s personal Christmas card also was on the XC-142 theme, showing Santa leaving a hovering XC-142A to enter a chimney, and a Christmas verse by Jan Hesse, 11, used the VSTOL letters in a Christmas greeting message.

March 18, 1966

HONORED - Mrs. Dorella Bond, secretary to Dr. Walt Hesse-, vice president and program director for V/STOL programs, LTV Aerospace Corporation, has been named "Secretary of the Year" by the Golden Triangle Chapter of the National Secretaries Association.

Taxes Withheld
April 15, 1966

Taxes Withheld From Paychecks
Increase May 1 Under New Law

     A new withholding tax rate for federal income taxes goes into effect May 1 and will show up in the weekly paychecks received by LTV employees in North Texas on May 6.
      The new graduated rates are in accordance with a law recently passed by Congress. They do not reflect a tax increase. Most employees found that the tax being withheld was not sufficient and they had to pay substantial sums each spring to make up the difference. The intent of the new law is to ease this burden by withholding more money from each paycheck. The government also gets its tax money faster - receiving it on a current basis rather than in lump sums at tax paying time.
      For most employees, the new law will mean that more money is withheld from the weekly paycheck, but in a few cases, the with holding may be a little less than in the past.
      In any event, all employees must complete a new W-4 form, listing marital status and the number of exemptions claimed. These forms will be distributed in mid-April and should be filled out and returned to payroll promptly. The  absolute deadline is April 27.

       Failure to complete a new W-4 form would mean a great jump in withholding tax for married persons, because those who do not file  a new form must be taxed at the higher rate of a single person with no dependents. Quite a few employees in past years purposely have understated the number of dependents they have-, so that more tax would be withheld. This method of easing the tax--time burden is also permissible under  the new law.
     The change in withholding rate will vary according to each employee’s circumstances. The amount to be withheld beginning in May can be calculated thusly:


     Write your weekly earnings Multiply the number of exemptions you claim (a married man with two children would have four) by $13.50. Subtract this figure from your weekly earnings. The result s the income on which you will be taxed. If this figure is between $4 and $23, you will be taxed at the rate of 14% of the excess over $4. If your taxable income figure is

between $23 and $85, you will be taxed $2.66 plus 15% of anything above $23.
      When wages less exemptions are between $85 and $169, the tax is $11.96 plus 17% of all above $85; between $169 and $340 it’s $26.24 plus 20% of the money above $169; between $340 and $423, it’s $60.44 plus 25% of anything above $340.
      For example: A married employee with one child (three exemptions) has earnings of $185 per week. Under the new schedule, $22.03 will be withheld, compared with $20.44 in the past.


     In this category, wages less exemptions over $4 but not over $13 will be taxed at the rate of 14% of anything over $4. Between $13 and $23, the tax is $1.26 plus 15% of all over $13; between $23 and $85, it’s $2.76 plus 17% of all over $23; between $85 and $169 it’s $13.30 plus 20% of all over $85; between $169 and $212 it’s $30.10 plus 25% of all over $169, and over $212 is taxed $40.85 plus 30% of the money above $212.

April 15, 1966

‘Cool Shoe’ Is Invented
By Company Employee

     Anthony Farinello, Unit 2-611-1 night shift tool and model designer, has invented an air-conditioned shoe  - after several years of effort and investing approximately $1,000 in materials and parts.
       Described and pictured April 7 in the Dallas Times Herald, his "cool shoe" is necessarily a feminine model, because the tiny Japanese motor and fan are housed in the heel. A flexible tube runs from the heel to the insole to provide cooling for the bottoms of the feet of the shoe’s wearer.

May 13, 1966

BRIDGE BUILT AND TESTED - This crew from the LTV Garland/Arlington Management Club not only built the bridge over the River Kwai (that’s what they called the ditch) but gave it on acceptance test, with George DuBose, standing in the center, listed as official tester. The occasion was the club’s "Good Turn Day" activity of refurbishing the Gatewood Camp Fire Girls Day Camp in Southeast Garland April l6. The crew, from left, included A. T. Cleveland, Ken Eubanks, Gil Hardesty, Ken Sturdivant, Charlie Kerner (straw boss), Harold Barker (seated), DuBose, Merle Mueller, Fred Wood, Pete Peterson, Fred Huddleston, Bill Fleming, Charlie Caldwell and Ace Hctrker (seated).

CHOW TIME - The Garland/Arlingnto Management Clubmembers worked hard - and didn't take the noon break lightly either, asthis photo of the food line indicates. 

Garland & Arlington Leaders
Conquer Thorns in Good Turn

     Locust thorns, redwood, cans of paint, hammers and saws took the attention of members of the LTV Garland/Arlington Management Club away from desks and telephones for one day.
      By sundown April 16, the club’s "Good Turn Day" labors had made the Gatewood Camp Fire Girls Day Camp in southeast Garland spic and span.
      All buildings were repainted, 30 trees were cut down and stacked as firewood, all trash and underbrush hauled away, 250 feet of fence installed, window guards were installed on the lodge building and three rustic bridges were built
       In an atmosphere resembling an old-time barn-raising, executives, supervisors and Ph.D.’s wielded hammers, axes, paint brushes and chain saws. It was the first "Good Turn Day" activity for the club. President J. D. Gentry named Dick Dirks, manager of market planning, as coordinator of the entire project. Jack Alexander’s crew installed window guards; Charlie  Kerner’s men built bridges; L. R. Smith’s workers built fences; Boyd   Pepper straw boss pain and   repair jobs, and Tommy Templin’s group assembled and positioned 40 picnic tables. Tuffy Winford, Bill Dunn and Joe Still handled chores such as purchasing, transportation and food.

      Described as the real he man of the day were members of Bill Hooker’s group which handled the jungle of locust thorns. There were three injuries - Bill Sunderland was taken to a hospital when a thorn completely penetrated his hand. Hal Hardin and Bill Rogers had punctures, but returned to duty after a visit to "Dr." Roger Scott.
       The other casualty of the day was Ned Norris, who suffered a scorpion sting which caused a reaction over the weekend.
        Most participants were very happy with the results the complete refurbishing of a 7 1/2-acre area used by 600 Camp Fire Girls —but most of the workers also were glad to put down their axes and saws to return to the desks, telephones, design boards and electronics equipment the following Monday.


ARTISTS AT WORK - Jack Buddington and Harry Show brushed up on their painting technique in the Camp Fire Girls building.

Eye to Perfection
May 13, 1966

AWARD W|NNERS - Ten winners of Eye to Perfection certificates awarded recently at LTV Astronautics are shown with Jim O’Shea, center in dark suit, assistant to Dr. G. M. Monroe, vice president and general manager of the division. These employees were among 14 recognized for Error Cause Identifications and improved ideas they have submitted since the Eye to Perfection program began Dec. 20.

Astronautics Honors 14 Employees
Under ‘Eye to perfection’ Program

      Certificates of recognition were presented to 14 Astronautics employees recently for Error Cause Identifications and improved ideas they have submitted since the "Eye to Perfection" program began Dec.20.
       Receiving the awards were: Walter C. Rainwater, Unit 3-70-5, three ECIS pertaining to shop aid tools precluding procurement of accountable tools; Clyde L. Shank, 3-33011, three- ECIs for pro-cess improvement in Scout vehicle shipments; Earl E. LaPlante, 3-40311, three ECIs concerning material conservation  -  Saturn Program; Lewis W. David, 3-120-5, three ECIs for optical inspection improvement   -  Saturn·; Ralph Waites, 3-120-5, three ECIs for process improvement in handling Saturn containers; Charlie F. Coats, 3--121-1, three ECIs on increased program knowledge of Scout vehicle; Ed D. Clark, 3-120-3; three ECIs concerning simplification of procedural

definition relative to documentation requirements, and Thomas Kennedy, 3-60310, process improvement in preparation of Estimates at Completion (EAC).
      And Edward D. Walters, Unit 3-54100, improved communications on vehicle discrepancies; George A. Angle, 3-120-3, cost reduction in tool certification on all programs; Michael J. Jung, 3-33201, process improvement in departmental correspondence distribution; Jack C. Perkins, 3-70-1, design improvement and cost reduction on Saturn program; Mrs. Christine B. Jesson, 3-15000, creation of standards of performance for Scout program secretaries, and Mrs. Mary A. Smith, 3-705000, identification and elimination of a safety hazard.
      At last report, Astronautics employees had submitted 239 ECIs and improved. ideas since Dec. 20. Of that total, 164 were resolved.

20 JA Companies
May 13, 1966

LTV Counselors Helping 20 JA Companies

       Counselors for 20 Junior Achievement companies - small- scale businesses operated by high school students - come from LTV divisions in North Texas and Michigan.
      In Dallas, Tarrant and Hunt Counties where 15 of the JA companies are located, there are 32 LTV employees who help more than 250 students to apply the business methods of the free enterprise system they study in the classroom. The remaining five companies are sponsored by the LTV Michigan Division at Warren.
      Each of the companies was formed at the beginning of the current school year. There are up to 27 students in a company
      In addition to the advisors, LTV also has employees associated with the Junior Achievement program in other capacities. C. J. Benner, LTV Aerospace director of corporate administration, serves as a member of the board of directors of Dallas County Junior Achievement. And Wilson H. Benson, superintendent at the Greenville Division of  LTV Electrosystems, is coordinator for JA in Greenville.
      Initially, the students elected their own officers, selected a product to make or service to render, financed the business through public sale of capital stock, set up production lines and planned marketing procedures.

      Since then they have advertised, promoted and sold their company’s product or service, paid themselves salaries and wages as management and the working force or commissions as salesmen, kept company books and records, paid taxes, paid dividends to their stockholders (friends, neighbors, teachers and general public). At the end of the school term they will issue stockholder reports and liquidate their companies.
      The North Texas companies,
their locations, products and advisors are as follows:
      Nortex - Herman D. Ezell, Sr., Roger J. Guile and Ted Truly; product - mop hangers.
      Temco - Cha1les T. Bourne, Jerry David and Charles S. Holland, Jr.; products - plastic name plates and house numbers. Vib-Co - Rex Deville, W. C. Gresham and Jack H. Terry; product - personalized matches.
      Tac Enterprises - James W. Benton, Robert B. Eberle and Charles T. Fulling; products - Christmas bows and decorative trivets.
      G&T - John G. Copeland, George F. Wa1ren, Jr., and Carl C. Williamson; product - car safety lights.

      Lico - W. K. Lanford, Truett Mays and Andy Robinson, Jr.; products - jiffy brushes and memo boards.
      Impoja - Frank J. Kemple and E. L. Odneal; product - personalized matches.
      Rocon - Louis B. Clark, Richard H. Groene, Doug Harris and Medford L.Thompson; product - road beacons.
      Johatco - Beal Box, Weldon Branz and Marvin C. Steakley ; Droduct - ironing board clothes hangers.
      Dalgar Enterprises - J. P. McGuffey, Jr., Gene R. Olsen, Elvin D. Peterson and Jim Stewart; product - wal1 plaques.
      United Products - Tom Schneider, Tom Baker, E. C. Voght and Jack Jamieson; product - phone clipboards.
      Daaco - F. F. Aven, Tom Maxwell and C. C. Daughetee; products - towel keeps.
      Trivaco - H. L. Arterburn, F. W. Pafford and R. H. Reel; product - mosaic tile trivets.
            FORT WORTH
      Novco—M. A. Mayfield and C. A. Hoe], Jr.; product - fishing lures.
      Emerjac Enterprises - S. E. Oliver; product - car safety lights.

May 13, 1966

V.I.P. AT ASTRO - J. O. Walker, right, Leadman in Unit 3-2O-1, is congratulated by H. J. Merbler, manufacturing manager, for winning the department's V.I.P. award for May. Walker was selected for outstanding schedule and quality performance of regular work assignments, participation in cost reduction programs and overall contributions to LTV and the Astronautics Division.