
About Vought

Honor Roll

Author/Publisher Credits

Projects of this magnitude and significance are conceived by visionaries, initiated  through sheer determination and brought to fruition by dedicated groups of hard working individuals; men and women who care.  Vought was made up of a family that cared and their products reflected that care.  Though now retired , they still care and believe that this product, the Vought Story, is a product worthy of its creators.


The following are the people and organizations responsible for the initial construction and further expansion of this web site.


For this outstanding product, credit is due the following personnel:


Ed Cvetko, Whit McCormack, Herb Epstein


Kent Kresa - Chairman and President Northrop Grumman Corporation
Ralph D. Crosby - Sector President Northrop Grumman ISA
Margo Parker - Sector Vice President Human Resources and Administration Northrop
                         Grumman ISA
Carolyn Mentasana - Former Manager Community Relations
Paul Bower - Website Program Manager
Carol Everhart  - Director - Sector Community Relations Northrop Grumman ISA
Johnny Archer - Former Website Program Manager
Tom Reese - Northrop Grumman representative to the NGVC Retiree Club
Roger Stites - Website Technical Manager
Jill Tavares - Former Northrop Grumman Representative to the NGVC Retiree Club



Data Acquisition Team Leader - Dick Atkins

Team Members - George Bahn, Bonnie Buell, Bob Buzard, Jerry Burk, Paul Conroy, Janet Conroy, Fenton Dolson, Fran Eckert, Marcia Eckert, Ken Fessenden, Bobby Fincher, Ellen Hepler, Bill Henderson, Ronald Hepler, Mary Lou  Hopkins, Winnie Kinder, Mary Ann Lloyd, Ron Lloyd, Al  Mellor,  Robert Putnam and Dillon Smith

Story Development Team Leader - Dick Huang

Chapter Leaders - Leon Boswell, Clint Hawk, Dick Huang, John Jipp, Harold Knight, Dick Guthrie, John Lynch, Marty Martinez, Joe Millsap and Frank Pounders

Writers - Dick Atkins, Jim Baker, Huey Barrilleaux, Frank Bigony, Mort Bland, Donald Branton,  Austin Corbin,  George Dayton, Bob Eberle, Pete Elizondo, Don Emmick, Jerry Fischer, Egan Foy, Tim Gosbee, Dick Guthrie, Bill Henderson, Davis Hopkins, Roland Hepler, Bob Hancock, Lee Houston, Jesse James, Bob Kemper, James Key, Don Kirkpatrick, Hank Malone, Joe Millsap, Tim Murphy, Jack Petty, Charlotte Pipkin, Stu Reichert, Ossie Rogstad, Mel Roten, Rick Riccius, Ed Rutledge, Dale Sears, A.J. Seymour, Ben Scott, Richard Shea, Dale Sherman, Bob Surratt, B.C. Voss, Jim Walston, H.G. Watts, Les Wilshire, Bob Ziehe, Bill Dance, Fran Eckert, John Pulice, Frank Tarsia, Frank Johnson, John Brachetti, Jerry Burk, Gene Banspach, Reggie Robinson, Dale Nordstrom, Bill Haugh, Herman Meiners, Hector Kidd, Charlie Heck, Teddy Trept, Allene Deuson and Barbara Patton

Editors - The unsung heroes who labored long after the authors are home.  Our special thanks to Frank Pease, Jerry Hampton, Don Rice, Jim Burks, Chuck Stitt, Brooks Taylor

Typists - Barbara Benson, B.J. Slate

Design and Assembly - Design, assembly  and the integration of the retirees data of this Website by Roger Stites.

Graphics - Design of the home page, the banner graphics and background for the pages of the Vought Heritage Website by Roger Stites.

Photographs - The photographs for the Website were collected from the Vought historic files and from individuals. Some very innovative digital formatting of the majority of photographs by Coupralux of Dallas. The collection and formatting of photographs for the Website by Roger Stites.

Donors of material

Our sincere thanks to the many Retirees and present employees who donated the majority of materials necessary to develop the Vought story.  Without them, there would be no story nor Website

Vought Veterans Interviewed

Without the personal perspectives and “I was there” testimony the story would certainly not be complete nor would it have the personality so vital to a good historical effort. For this we thank the following “vet” for sitting through hours and hours of interrogation. Thanks to  Joe Angelone, Bob Buzard,  Martin Collis, Ed Cvetko, Bill Haugh, Charlie Heck, Hector Kidd, Ed Koltko, John Konrad, Sol Love, Herman Meiners, Hank Merbler ,Ted Mann, Bill Micchelli, Joe Millsap, Andy Patterson, Betty Pearce, Herb Roth, Jesse Santamaria, Jerry Scharfenberger, Paul Thayer, Dean Thomas, Teddy Trept, Chance Vought’s son, Peter Vought and Chance Vought’s Granddaughters, Victoria, Leslie and Annie Vought.


Special thanks to Paul Bower, the visionary who was the originator of the Vought Heritage and Education Internet concept and who nurtured it through the years of frustration ; to Roger Stites  for his dedication, hard work and creativity as the Website Technical Manager; to Julie Anzelmo for her enthusiasm and hard work in the formative days of the project.

We are deeply indebted to the Vought family for their contributions to the story. Chance Vought’s son, Peter Vought and Chance Vought’s Granddaughters, Victoria, Leslie and Annie Vought are indeed, Chance Vought’s biggest fans and their enthusiasm for his memory provided inspiration to the Vought Website Team.


To Art Schoeni, who built the foundation for the Vought Heritage through his photographs, stories, magazine covers and indomitable spirit.

To the many “Closet Historians” who kept the heritage flame burning by protecting from destruction those priceless documents, photographs, microfilm, motion picture film and video tape that formed the basis for the Vought Story. Thanks to Dick Atkins, Jim Blick, Paul Bower, Barbara Pridemore, Gerry Scharfenberger, Jesse Santamaria, Rick Steen, Tom Tune and George Tischenor.