Program Background
In 1970, as a part of a program to broaden the business base, a study team was formed under the Vice President of Engineering to investigate ground transportation systems. At that time the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport was under construction and a people mover was one of the requirements. The Varo Corp. of Garland, Texas, had a prototype monorail-type system. LTV was asked to team with them to prepare and submit a proposal late in 1970 using Varo's existing system. There were three proposals submitted and all were rejected as being more costly than the system for which the airport had budgeted. The Airport Board issued a new Request for Proposal in May, 1971. The Varo Corp. elected not to resubmit; therefore, LTV Aerospace Corp. chose to submit a proposal based on its earlier studies using off-the-shelf hardware in an innovative and completely new automatic transit system concept. No prototype or operating hardware was in existence and a creative effort was required with models and simulations to convince the Airport Board that the system could be built. The proposal period was only 30 days and the completed system was to go into full operation on 13 July, 1973, There were three proposals submitted with Westinghouse and Dashaveyor submitting in addition to LTV. LTV was declared the winner and notice to proceed was given on 2 August, 1971 – leaving less than two years to bring a very complex newly designed system to full operation.
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