AIRTRANS was built to serve a total of 53 station stops at the airport. Trash, supply, baggage and mail stations have been described above. The passenger stations and waiting rooms are on a single siding and feature a glass enclosed platform with bi-parting doors which open with the vehicle doors when a train comes to a stop and the vehicle leveling system has leveled it with the station platform. The stations originally contained fare collection turnstiles (which were removed early in the airport history), a route map, station TV surveillance cameras, above-door graphics showing the destination of the vehicle currently in the station, a public address system, and seats. Two doors were installed originally with provisions for a third if two-car trains were used.
The employee stations are across from the passenger stations on separate sidings and are screened from the passenger stations. An open platform is provided. It contains destination graphics, a route map and public address system. All stations in the north and south parking lots are on line because traffic there is relatively low. Throughout the system, passengers enter vehicles from the right, and employees from the left, in the direction of traffic. Station locations are shown on the Guideway Configuration illustration. The hotel station is an elevated station for both passengers and employees.
Program Background System Requirements and LTV’s Proposed Solution Guideway Switch and Switch Machine Power Distribution Vehicles Controls Stations Maintenance Airtrans Today